The use of medical marijuanas in Australia is on the rise in patient numbers with the range of different chronic health conditions this drug can help. Endometriosis is an inflammatory condition whereby tissues are found outside the uterus lining and womb.
1 in 9 women worldwide has endometriosis, causing an array of medium to severe symptoms to those affected. These symptoms include discomfort, gastrointestinal issues, to infertility.
Although there are many medication options, many women find it challenging to manage painful symptoms. Medical marijuanas in Australia are currently up for discussion as an alternative solution to provide relief to endometriosis patients. While there has been evidence showcasing its benefits, more research is still required before it can be considered a primary source of treatment.
Today, we will discuss how medical marijuanas in Australia can enhance the quality of life of endometriosis patients.
What Is Endometriosis?
Endometriosis affects a large population of women across the country, so medical marijuanas in Australia is considered a natural alternative solution. As we’ve mentioned, endometriosis is an inflammatory disease where the endometrium tissue is found in the exterior of the uterus. While it might not appear as a big issue, over time, it can affect other areas in the body, including the bladder, cervix, etc.
The variety of areas endometriosis can affect can cause discomfort in the bladder and lower back, lead to infertility, and pain during intercourse. Endometriosis also causes mental health problems, such as anxiety and depression. The severity of this disease has led to the reliance on medical marijuanas in Australia to help women across the population manage endometriosis.
Disclaimer: it is essential to remember that while cannabis can help alleviate endometriosis symptoms, you must speak with your doctor before usage to ensure proper treatment.
In the following sections, we’ll uncover the many benefits of this treatment for endometriosis patients.
How Medical Marijuanas In Australia Can Help Endometriosis Patients?
Medical marijuanas in Australia can help alleviate the painful symptoms associated with endometriosis. According to a report at Western Sydney University, 1 in 10 women is using cannabis to assist with the painful symptoms involving endometriosis. As we’ve mentioned, endometriosis can cause discomfort in the bladder and back and even cause pain during menstrual periods. Even Queen Victoria relied on cannabidiol treatment to get through her cycle.
Another reason why endometriosis patients turn to medical marijuanas in Australia for assistance is it can help improve mood. Anxiety and depression are common mental health symptoms of endometriosis, and as cannabis offers analgesic qualities, it can help improve your overall state of mind. It is essential to speak to your doctor for proper treatment as high dosage can lead to counteracting side effects such as an increased level of anxiety and depression.
Lastly, medical marijuanas in Australia is used as an alternative solution because of its anti-inflammatory qualities. Inflammation is a major symptom of endometriosis, causing pain in the body. While there are many traditional options to treat these symptoms, the ingredients can cause further health complications. Cannabis provides an organic and natural alternative to help lower inflammation in the body, ultimately improving pain, stress levels, and sleep. If you have endometriosis yourself, having this treatment as an option can make a positive difference to your overall health state.
In summary, medical marijuanas in Australia is a highly effective option for women experiencing endometriosis. From reducing pain, lowering inflammation, and improving moods, it is a highly sought alternative to traditional over-the-counter medications. Please consult your doctor to see whether the treatment is a suitable option for you.