Generally, yes. Many insurance providers will provide coverage for your vehicle when you drive in another state. However, not all states require the same coverage. In general, most states only require the minimum liability insurance, so you should make sure to update your auto insurance policy to reflect the new state’s laws. If you are planning on driving in another state, make sure to check with your insurance agent to determine which type of coverage will be the most cost-effective for your situation.
In the case of auto insurance, you can get it in less than two hours. The process involves a simple eye test and a computerized background check. In addition, some states require you to take a written test, but these are easy and quick to complete. As long as you have the same license and the same name, you can get insurance. You may want to compare quotes from different insurance companies. You may find that a smaller insurance company will offer you better rates.
Some people live in multiple states and want to protect themselves against any unfortunate situation. For example, if you are a snowbird and spend months of the year in a sunny vacation home, you may want to get car insurance in the state where you spend most of the year. This way, if you drive out of your home state during the winter, you’ll still be covered. However, some states may require that you register your vehicle in a different state during the extended stay.