Pet social media influencers have become a popular trend in the past few years, and there are now hundreds of thousands of pet accounts on Instagram alone. There’s no denying that these influencers are making a lot of money from brands that want to reach their audience.
According to InfluencerMarketingHub, 45% of the world’s population actively uses social media. But how do you get started in this line of work? What steps do you need to take to become a social media star with your canine companion at your side? This post will discuss the ins and outs of becoming a pet influencer.
Pick the Social Media Platforms that Make Sense for You
The influencer marketing expenditures are set to exceed $16 billion in 2022. To succeed on social media, choosing the platforms that make sense for your brand is essential. Your target audience will likely be on one or a few of these platforms. If not, consider creating an account on that platform and engaging with your customers there.
For example, if you own a dog training business based in New York City and most of your customers are in Los Angeles, it might make more sense to have an Instagram account than an account on Facebook or Twitter because more people are using Instagram in that area.
Finding the right platform for you personally and professionally is also essential. For example, if you are uncomfortable posting pictures of yourself online, then Instagram may not be appropriate for you because users tend to share their photos more than others’ content.
Add Good and Relevant Content
Posting good and relevant content consistently is the key to success for pet influencers. Pick up a good camera, train your pet in obedience, and get some cool merch online from PetCareRx. These will help you create content and be consistent.
When you post regularly, you create a sense of familiarity with your audience that can lead to loyalty. And posting relevant content means your audience will be more likely to engage with it and share it with their friends.
When you’re posting regularly and consistently, it becomes easy for people who admire your work to subscribe to notifications when there’s new content from you on social media. That way, they can check in only a few times a week.
Posting original content also helps drive engagement because people are interested in what’s different from what they’ve seen elsewhere. It keeps them coming back again and again. If we were looking at the same things over time, we might get bored quickly, so having some variety would keep things interesting.
Set Goals and Track Your Progress
As you set goals, it’s essential to be realistic. Remember that if your goal is to make a million dollars off your Instagram account, you may quickly become discouraged when you wait to see results. Instead, focus on small wins and celebrate them when they happen.
Setting a schedule for posting is another way to keep yourself on track and ensure consistency in your content. Try to post at least once per day, but less often than once every hour. It’s also helpful to schedule posts ahead so that you remember them or get caught up in other things throughout the day.
Now comes the fun part, tracking progress. It means looking at analytics such as follower counts over time, engagement over time, growth rate over time, and more. The more data points we have available will give us more insight into what works best with our audience, which ultimately helps us fine-tune our content strategy further.
Collaborate with Fellow Pet Influencers in Your Community
According to The Small Business Blog, there are 37 million influencers on Instagram. Collaboration is an excellent way to expand your reach and grow your brand. Though it can be challenging, collaborating with other pet influencers in your community can help you get more exposure.
If you’ve been working on building up your own social media following, collaborating with another pet influencer in the same niche as you can help bring in new eyes that may not have otherwise seen what either of you has to offer. The more people who see what it is that you do, the more likely they are to want to follow along.
Be Consistent in Posting to Succeed as a Pet Influencer
The key to being a successful pet influencer is consistency. Your followers expect you to post regularly, so they can count on you being there when they need you. If they don’t see your posts, they may unfollow you or, even worse, find another influencer who will be there for them.
The trick is finding that sweet spot between posting too much and too little. It’s easy to get caught up in the fast-paced world of social media and forget that quality trumps quantity every time. You don’t want to be seen as spammy or inactive because no one cares about those things, so stay true to your brand and post often but not too often.
Now that you have read these tips, it’s time to start. Remember that even if social media is a part-time job for some people, it can be a full-time job for others. Understanding what works best for your lifestyle and goals is essential so you don’t burn out from overworking yourself.