Connectors are device that is used to join sections of the circuits to transmit current or signals. With their increased usability, they are becoming the most important part of the circuit. Industrial connectors are available in various shapes and sizes depending on their usability. They can be used in huge airspace equipment from small mobile phones. Whether they are used in any of the devices, the purpose served is the same for all the devices.
The connectors help in saving lots of manufacturing time as they are designed to make the connection procedure easier. It is quite easy to plug one connector into another when compared to the time taken by the workers to solder various other connections.
There are two types of connectors: Rectangular and Circular.
Rectangular Connectors
The connector is known as a rectangular connector because of its shape which means that the housing of the connector will be rectangular in shape. These connector types are available on the PCB boards with a surface-mounted male header which is used to connect with a female socket. Using this technique, the wires are connected to the board.
Circular Connectors
This type is also given this name because of its circular shape. They are also like the rectangular connectors, used to connect the subsections of the circuit. Just like rectangular connectors, they can also be mounted on the boards but the most preferred ones are those that are available with free hanging or panel-mounted situations. The circular connectors are used in various military and industrial applications because of their reliability and high durability. These types of connectors are specially designed for equipment that is used in harsh environmental conditions. Their durability maintains the security of the application and does not cause any serious damage to it.
For the people who are less aware of the terminology that is used to describe the connectors, here are some details that can be helpful for them.
- Gender: Every connector is designed with a gender called male (plug) and female (receptacle). When the connector plugs, it is referred to as made whereas when it is plugged into, it is referred to as female. The male connector is designed with pins that are plugged into the female connector to create a connection.
- Polarity: It is that characteristic of connectors when they are connected in only one orientation.
- Contact: It is the metal part of the connectors that are used to create an electrical connection. It is comprised of two parts, male and female that are combined to create an electrical connection.
- Insulator: It is the base or insert of the connector whose work is the ensure good insulation between the contacts and the contacts and housing. It plays a major role in every connector as it is required to ease the processing by withstanding the voltage performance.
- Shell: It is the exterior covering of the connector whose role is to protect it from any kind of mechanical damage caused by built-in insulating mounting plates and pins. It also helps in aligning the sockets and plugs after mating.
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